Study Guides for the GMAT Exam!

Great Applications for Business School
'Great Applications for Business School' provides a flexible, practical system for enabling business school applicants to find their applications' central theme, brainstorm their essays' raw material using personal 'data-mining' techniques, craft an outline using theme and evidence sentences, and write, revise, and edit effective essay drafts. Bodine provides detailed strategies for answering the most common MBA admissions essay topics--from goals, accomplishments, and "self-revelation" essays to diversity, leadership and teamwork, failure, and creative or multimedia topics. "Great Applications" includes practical guidelines for understanding what schools actually ask, choosing the appropriate stories for each essay type, and structuring essays so they provide context, analysis, and the all-important takeaways.
Number of Reviews: 35starsRate this Product
McGraw-Hill - 2010

Manhattan GMAT Set of Strategy Guides
The 10 Manhattan GMAT Strategy Guides included in this set are designed to be clear and comprehensive. Consistently reviewed by students as offering the opportunity for dramatic score improvement, each book delves deeply into a single area of the exam, providing detailed and specialized instruction. When used together, these guides produce a substantial learning impact, helping students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT. Students will benefit considerably from high-level resources such as:
  • Six full-length, computer-adaptive practice exams
  • Over 200 additional free practice questions
  • A brand new guide designed to address the new 2012 Integrated Reasoning section
  • Topical sets of Official Guide practice questions and detailed answer explanations
Number of Reviews: 7starsRate this Product
Manhattan Prep - 2012

Kaplan GMAT 800
Developed for students who want to score in the top 10 percent, Kaplan GMAT 800 provides the additional preparation needed. Hundreds of the toughest practice questions, the hardest concepts, and the best strategies are included. Tips for test taking, proven strategies for getting a perfect score of 800, and focused guidelines for tackling each question type all combine for the ideal preparation tool for the most ambitious student.
Number of Reviews: 18starsRate this Product
Kaplan - 2014

The Official Guide for GMAT
The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition is the only book on the market written by the creators of the GMAT exam. Inside you?ll find more than 800 actual GMAT questions from previous tests with answers and detailed explanations. There?s also a grammar review, math review, actual essay topics, sample responses, and scoring information insights into the GMAT exam that debunk test-taking myths. Plus, use the diagnostic section to pinpoint your skill level and focus on the areas where you need the most help.
Number of Reviews: 7starsRate this Product
Wiley - 2015

Barron's GMAT Math Workbook
Students preparing to take the GMAT will find that this book has what they need to excel on the test's math section. Chapter topics include the fundamentals of arithmetic, data efficiency, and advice on the test's often-perplexing word problems. Includes helpful advice on test preparation and test taking strategies.
Number of Reviews: 5starsRate this Product
Barron's - 2014

Cracking the GMAT
Get all the prep you need to ace the GMAT with The Princeton Review, including 6 CAT practice exams, thorough topic reviews, and exclusive access to our online Premium Portal with tons of extra resources.

Practice Your Way to Perfection.
6 full-length, computer-adaptive practice tests online for realistic practice

• Score reports and answer explanations for the online tests
• Diagnostic exam sections in the book to help you assess your scoring range
• Practice "bins" (with over 180 questions) sorted by difficulty level to improve your performance
• Drills for each test section in the book, plus additional Math and Verbal drills online
• Instant scoring available online for book and online tests, plus optional LiveGrader(TM) essay scoring
Number of Reviews: 5starsRate this Product
Princeton Review - 2015

Kaplan GMAT Math Workbook
Rusty on math? Kaplan's GMAT Math Workbook is designed to help you build a strong foundation in the math skills essential for success on the GMAT: arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.


  • Practice exercises for every Quantitative question type
  • Detailed answer explanations
  • Expert test-taking strategies
  • In-depth review of essential math concepts
Number of Reviews: 9starsRate this Product
Kaplan - 2015